New Netherlands Subway Ride
Marina Pinsky
Installation, Photography

The work New Netherlands Subway Ride combines close-up images taken by the artist of the sculptures on the facade of the Vleeshal with photographs Pinsky collected on her travels. These portraits of sculptures highlight gestures made by the figures, which are transposed onto gestures of real-life authority figures such as airport security guards. Whereas the security guards are seen from the back, the former rulers of Zeeland seem to be looking at the same slideshow that we are viewing. Their facial expressions seem to be subtly commenting on this New Netherlands Subway Ride, where one moves from the river The Slow, to the peripheral semi-industrial marshlands surrounding New York City, coming across felds of new hydroponic growing equipment. Large Styrofoam blocks in the yard of the foam factory in Tholen, marble from the Carrara quarry in different states of being (from blocks in the quarry to ancient and contemporary sculptures), meat displayed in the stands of a market in Oaxaca, Mexico, documents from the Zeeuws Archief and tapestries from the Zeeuws Museum: they are all part of the artist's personal archive.