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Sea Spray

Matthew Lutz-Kinoy

Painting, Series

Screen print, acrylic paint on canvas
650 × 270 cm, 240 × 630 cm

In Food for Fire, Food for Thought, Robert Duncan describes what he wants for the last poem: “a loosening of conventions and return to open form”. For his 2018 solo exhibtion Sea Spray, Lutz-Kinoy created an overall environment for Vleeshal, consisting of soft expressionist paintings and wicker baskets in different stages of becoming, which exposed precisely that.

  • Frame of fermenting kvass and large budding yeasts (2018) | Sea Spray | Matthew Lutz-Kinoy

    Frame of fermenting kvass and large budding yeasts (2018)

    Photo: Leo van Kampen
  • Re-hydrated and dry, seawood (2018) | Sea Spray | Matthew Lutz-Kinoy

    Re-hydrated and dry, seawood (2018)

    Photo: Leo van Kampen
  • Manchild (2018) | Sea Spray | Matthew Lutz-Kinoy

    Manchild (2018)

    Photo: Leo van Kampen
  • Miso pots in between rod bacteria yogurt Lactobacilicus (2018) | Sea Spray | Matthew Lutz-Kinoy

    Miso pots in between rod bacteria yogurt Lactobacilicus (2018)

    Photo: Leo van Kampen
  • Sea Spray | Matthew Lutz-Kinoy
    Photo: Leo van Kampen
  • Splendors Shaken to Earth (2018) | Sea Spray | Matthew Lutz-Kinoy

    Splendors Shaken to Earth (2018)

    Photo: Leo van Kampen

Commissioned for