So You Don't Get Lost in the Neighborhood #11
Warre Mulder
Excursion, Walk

Sunday July 30, artist Warre Mulder took the group of participants to the former village school of Hengstdijk.
In 2015 Warre Mulder and his wife bought the former school building. At the time of this excursion they were renovating the light and monumental building. Specially for SYDGL, the space temporarily functioned as an exhibition space. During the excursion Warre Mulder told more about his sculptures, the school building and the relation that he – being born and raised by Dutch parents in Belgium – developed with the region of Zeeland.
Vleeshal is an internationally oriented center for contemporary art, rooted in Zeeland. In Zeeland Focus, Vleeshal highlights regional artists, takes part in and celebrates local contemporary art and culture.
For So You Don’t Get Lost in the Neighborhood, Vleeshal invited artists from Zeeland to take on the role of a compass and guide their audience to interesting and inspiring places in Zeeland. The title comes from the English translation of Patrick Modiano’s book Pour que tu ne te perds pas dans le quartier written in 2014, the year Modiano won the Nobel Prize in Literature. This series took place from 2015-2018.