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So You Don't Get Lost in the Neighborhood #3

Tamara Dees

Excursion, Walk

31 July 2016
12 – 2 pm
Terneuzen (Map)

Tamara Drees was the third artist in the So You Don’t Get Lost in the Neighborhood series. She took all participants on a tour to the old TSM-shipyard in Terneuzen. Not long after this event, the shipyard was demolished to make space for a broader passage to Gent from the Westerschelde. Six years ago, Dees shot a film there, in which ex-shipyard worker Frans Dooms played a role amongst others. Dooms still makes models of the huge ships he used to build on the shipyard. The film was screened on the day before the shipyard was demolished.

Dees explained: “I take the people to a place that for me was the basis of a few elements in my work, such as the amazement at the size of ships and the relation between man and ship. The shipyard is also a place where craft was the basis for the realisation of all kinds of work. The place that will literally disappear, even though I think many people have already forgotten what was once there. For 62 years, ships were built there, and amongst these ships were impressively large sea ships that sailed the entire world. (…) I have made a film I love, about something I love, and this has become irrelevant. Now, in the last days of the TSM-shipyard, I hope I can give this film the attention it deserves".


For So You Don’t Get Lost in the Neighborhood, Vleeshal invited artists from Zeeland to take on the role of a compass and guide their audience to interesting and inspiring places in Zeeland. The title comes from the English translation of Patrick Modiano’s book Pour que tu ne te perds pas dans le quartier written in 2014, the year Modiano won the Nobel Prize in Literature. This series took place from 2015-2018.