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Survival Guides for Ballroom Dancers, Renovators, Softball Moms, Working Parents and Troubled Folk in General

Moyra Davey, Martin Kohout, Katja Novitskova, Laure Prouvost, Jay Tan

Group exhibition

3 July – 11 September 2016
Vleeshal (Map)

Curators: Roos Gortzak, Julia Mullié, Sophie Oxenbridge

Survival Guides for Ballroom Dancers, Renovators, Softball Moms, Working Parents and Troubled Folk in General | Moyra Davey, Martin Kohout, Katja Novitskova, Laure Prouvost, Jay Tan

Imbued with a diaristic impulse that is cathartic in character, the processbased, sincere, and often amusing works in this exhibition explored the slippery terrain between truth and fiction, private and public, and intimacy and perversion. Structured according to their own distinct – sometimes absurdist – internal logic, the works could be seen as strategies for survival in our current environment where intimacy and human relations are dispersed across multiple networked platforms; a characteristic of our screen based culture. This reality brings about a need for the creation of new private rituals, secret semiotic systems, and personalised forms of communication.

Download the exhibition booklet with more information about the artworks here.


This project was made possible by the generous support of the Mondriaan Fund and the municipality of Middelburg.