Vice Versa
Alain Fleischer, Ange Leccia, Patrick Raynaud
Group exhibition
1 May – 13 June 1987
Vleeshal (Map)
Middelburg Abbey (Map)
Curator: Anton van Gemert

Cineast, photographer, writer, however it works out. In Middelburg, Alain Fleischer created an installation in the darkness oft he Vleeshal: it consists of nine tablespoon, glass tables, bats and other miscellanous objects. As a single point of light, a film pingpong balls is projected on each of the tables. The visitor is invited to join.
Ange Leccia neither creates nor recreates anything. He regards himself as an "arranger", he puts together his chosen objects. Usually they contain a light source: a projector, a television set, a car ... Sometimes the work comes from encountering a specific space that Ange Leccia wants to emphasize with the aid of light. In Middelburg he brings some things into the light, leaving others in the shadow to accentuate them; he is a sculptor of space.
Patrick Raynaud is known as a maker of cardboard or sawn wood objects and figures, which he makes spatial by folding them. In the Abbey of Middelburg, Patrick Raynaud applies this technique again. He assumes characteristic architectural elements (the star wave) and the history of the building. The work carries the two different names for the same constellation, the captivating title "the big bear or the truck".