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Jumping Fences

Haron Barashed & Lore Janssens, Sjoerd Beijers, Céleste Buyle & Quinten Vermeulen, Yawen Fu, Seppe-Hazel Laeremans, Paola Siri Renard, Jan Vandeplancke

Group exhibition

28 April – 20 May 2024
Vleeshal (Map)

Curators: Sina Eden, Karel Op ’t Eynde, Ismini Kyritsis, Manon Laverdure, Camille Van Meenen, Justine McKenna, Hugo Roger, Paula Swinnen, Lisa Verhaeghe

Photo: We Document Art | Jumping Fences |  Haron Barashed & Lore Janssens, Sjoerd Beijers, Céleste Buyle & Quinten Vermeulen, Yawen Fu, Seppe-Hazel Laeremans, Paola Siri Renard, Jan Vandeplancke

At the invitation of Vleeshal, Jumping Fences, an exhibition project focusing on artistic development and collective curatorship by a group of students of KASK Curatorial Studies, came to Middelburg. In this project, artists, designers and curators experiment with exhibition frameworks. In February 2024, Jumping Fences opened at Het Paviljoen in Ghent, displaying a different artist or designer every month responding to the work of the previous person. At Vleeshal, all participants of Jumping Fences came together at the same time. Not just two pearls but the whole chain could be seen here.

Jumping Fences featured work by Haron Barashed & Lore Janssens, Sjoerd Beijers, Céleste Buyle & Quinten Vermeulen, Yawen Fu, Seppe-Hazel Laeremans, Paola Siri Renard and Jan Vandeplancke. At Vleeshal, several works came together to hint at what was on view at Het Paviljoen.


From time to time Vleeshal invites guest curators to organize exhibitions in the Vleeshal or to develop other projects. By doing so, we aim to welcome new perspectives and contribute to talent development.

Jumping Fences was a collaboration between Vleeshal, KASK & Conservatorium (HOGENT – Howest), Het Paviljoen and Curatorial Studies.