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Floris Kolvenbach

Solo exhibition

3 May – 8 June 1985
Vleeshal (Map)

Curator: Anton van Gemert

Floris Kolvenbach. 'RTL I'. Exhibition overview. Photo: Wim Riemens | RTL I | Floris Kolvenbach

Developments within the arts and sciences have not yet become a fertile exhibition theme. Only incidental attention paid to this topic by Studium Generale circles in some universities or colleges, but more often than not this topic is overlooked. Nevertheless, technological developments in particular are profoundly imagined, and many of them have been discovered by interesting artists in the field of experimental use. Already in the 20's, Fischinger, Liger, Richter, László, Man Ray sought a synthesis between the moving images and the sound or the music. The basic principles of the star and video clip are not entirely new.