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Ola Vasiljeva


€ 35

Vleeshal en Roma Publications
Roos Gortzak
Isabelle Sully
Jonathan Beaton
Robert Milne
Mariska Bijl
Wilco Art Books
Idea Books
Chris Fitzpatrick, Roos Gortzak, Anna Gritz, Daniil Kharms, Kate Strain
Managing Editors: Alix de Massiac, Julia Steenhuisen

GHOST TOWN is the first comprehensive overview of Vasiljeva’s practice and (re)collects the fragments, shapes, and thoughts that have been (re)configured and (re)presented throughout Ola’s multifaceted constellations from 2008 to 2023.

Edited by Roos Gortzak and designed by Robert Milne, the publication consists of several intertwined sections, including Ola’s exhibitions; texts by Roos Gortzak, Chris Fitzpatrick, Anna Gritz, Daniil Kharms, and Kate Strain; an ALBUM by The Oceans Academy of Arts (OAOA); and STORAGE that functions as ‘both a compass for navigating the archipelago of her piled arrangements, and later, as a mnemonic device.’

Published as part of


For decades Vleeshal is invested in the development of publications. Books published by Vleeshal are internationally appreciated for their experimental content and form. At Vleeshal, a publication is never 'merely' about documentation of a past exhibition, but rather about creating an 'extension' of an artistic project, generating meaning in the present, and thus allowing the project to live on after the exhibition.

Vleeshal publishes monographs, critical analyses, catalogues and books on artists who have exhibited at the Vleeshal. It works with international publishers and distributors, including Hatje Cantz, Walther König and Sternberg Press, to expand the reach of its independent and small-scale publications. Visit our Shop to buy one of our publications.

This publication was made possible with the financial support of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the municipality of Middelburg.